Thursday, January 21, 2010

T is for Tim

Many people have brothers. 12 out of the 21 kids in my class have brothers. That's 57.142885714% of us, which is well over half. Most people have brothers a couple years older then them or a couple years younger, give or take a few. My brother is 20 years older then me. His name is Timothy. We call him Tim, well I usually call him Timmy but that's beside the point. He is 32, I think. He may be 31 or 33. Though when your that old, it really doesn't matter, right?

I also have two sisters. Out of all my siblings he is my favorite. That's kind of mean to my sisters, but you haven't meet them before. If you had, you would agree with me. I am the youngest in my family and if you are also the youngest would concur with me that the younger you are then them the meaner the older siblings are to you . My sisters are very mean to me, but Tim isn't. He even beats Carolyn up when shes mean to me, but not actually. I also like Tim more then my sisters because he'll do things with me that Carolyn and Heather won't. For example, there's this video game that we got for Christmas last year called Indiana Jones Lego, and I thought it looked like fun. Carolyn and Heather didn't and I didn't want to play it alone, so when Tim came over I asked him if he would play it with me and he did. We played for an hour and a half. It was lots of fun. That is just some of the reasons that I like Tim better then my sisters.

Okay so you'd think that when you have a brother that is that much older then you they wouldn't really make an effort to be part of the family because well they have their own life, but Tim isn't like that. He makes a huge effort to come and hang out with us. He even attends most of the family gatherings.
He try's to come and see me in the winter every weekend because his house is 10 minutes away from my chalet which is awesome! In the summer I don't see him as much though because he lives 2 hours away from us which is a drag, but I guess I see him enough in the winter to make up for it.

My finial reason why I like better then the rest of my siblings is because I don't have to live with him. I'm actually kind of glad for that because for one he is in his thirties and that would just be weired if he was living at home and two I don't want to dislike him like I do my sisters. We would probably get sick of each other too, just like I'm sick of my sisters. That is why I like my brother Tim better then my other siblings!

Oh and Tim, thanks for being a great brother!!! :)

Life Lesson: You can't choose your family so when you get lucky, don't take advantage of it, because it doesn't happen very often.

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