Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I think that something my group did well was that we all contributed very good idea's. Like when we were doing our first activity we had to stand on a triangle thing and organize ourselves into alphabetical order by middle name. We had to try and pass each other and keep our balance at the same time. It was very hard to pass people because the thing we were sanding on was only wide enough for one person to stand on at a time. Damon and Jenny came up with the idea of going to the corners and the person who had to get past would pass them. I came up with the idea of lying down and then the person would pass them, so it wasn't all just one person who would come up with idea's, it was all of our idea's put together. That's what I think my group did well at Norval.

I think one of the things we didn't do to well was when we had to do this thing where we had to get across these thin lines without losing our balance. When we did that we had to have spotters on each side of us and sometimes people wouldn't pay attention and the person they were spotting would fall. No one ever got hurt though and that's good, but it's not very good team work. Also another challenge we had was when we had to get a tire over this big tall pole. We had some really good idea's like a pyramid, lifting people up, we even put Jenny on the tire and lifted her up to the top, but we just couldn't get the tire to the top. I think something we could have done better if we had just all been quite and listened to everyone's idea's instead of trying to scream over each other, which is what we did. That is what our group needs to work on.

I think that Norval mostly it was fun. Sometimes it could get a little boring, like when they were explaining things. Though other times it was lots of fun, like when we were doing the low ropes. I liked Norval way more last year. When we did low ropes in the morning and high ropes in the afternoon. I didn't like the drum circle. It was way to loud. I think the drum circle would be better if it wasn't that loud and not so long. Other than that Norval was fun!!! That is what I thought about Norval and how our team did.

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